Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Final Guitar Hero Tournament date

April 11 is the final date for the Guitar Hero Tournament, and it will go from 7-10pm-ish depending on how long it takes to finish. We are working on hooking up one game to the screen in the auditorium, but the game consol would have to been up in the box. If you have an idea to do this let us know.

We need people to sign up for selling tickets during lunch. It will start mon. april 7th to thurs. april 10. We will probably need two people per lunch period.
Mon. (4/7) Day 3
Tues. (4/8) Day 4
Wed. (4/9) Day 5
Thurs. (4/10) Day 6
Comment to sign up anywhere you can.


Anonymous said...

I know how to get into the box and work the projector/sound and video, let me know what you need me to do. I won't be able to be there that night (sister's bat-mitzvah) but i can set stuff up or show someone else how to if you need me to.

JUN10RS! said...


Miss Polak said...

Thanks Aaron! We're going to try to get in there some time next week to do a "test" run so if you could be there to show someone that would be great! I'll let you know when..

JUN10RS! said...
