Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Food Sign Ups---Middle School Concert

December 17th 7:00

OK so you know how the Middle School kids have never had a reception after their concert like we do? Well they will this year.
We will also be selling 50/50 raffle tickets before the concert and during intermission and the winner will be announced after. At the reception the new band/chorus will also be sold.

These are the things we need:
brownies- Eric
brownies- Jackie
brownies- Briana
brownies- Brad
cookies- Joe C
cookies- Aaron
cookies- Eric
cupcakes- Lauren
cupcakes- Joe C
punch- Joe P
chocolate pretzels- Erica
cups/plates- Brad
napkins- Jackie
2 Liter sprite- Kevin
2 Liter sprite- Kevin
2 Liter sprite- Kevin
other soda- Sam P
other soda- Aleks

***Reminder: each plate of food/drink is 1 hour worth of community service for the tri-m requirement***


Anonymous said...

I'll bring cupcakes


Anonymous said...

I'll bring 3 liters of sprite

Anonymous said...

ill bring brownies and napkins

Anonymous said...

I can bring some brownies

Anonymous said...

cups plates etc...

Anonymous said...

ill bring cupcakes and cookies